
I’m very excited to welcome Brittany Steiner into The Rad & The Wild community! Welcome to the blog if you are a friend of Brittany – but if not, I’d like to introduce you to this Chicago artist and the projects that she has been up to. Check out the bottom of the page to find out where to find her online! -Alexz

BT // Hey Brittany! How’s it going?!

BS // Great!  I got restless this weekend and dyed my hair super blonde in anticipation for summer. Hope I don’t regret it! 🙂

BT // What projects are you currently working on?

BS // I’m currently working on a collaboration with my friend Sarah’s clothing line, SinClarity.  I’m incorporating my illustrations on some of her sweet dresses for summer.  The designs are very gypsy-inspired-meets-futuristic-power-fembot.  Pretty excited, it’s right up my alley!  I just designed a poster for local performance venue, The Parlor, for an upcoming play in April.  The play is inspired by the Beatnik culture. It’s called “I Saw The Best Minds of My Generation”, and should be a really fun piece. I am also working on some personal projects; large oil paintings with dark, ethereal ladies, lots of ethnic graphics and colors.

BT // What can spark inspiration for you?

BS // Seeing my friends (who each are really creative), a really great book or movie, oddities, vintage jewelry, a brand new fashion or travel magazine, or just simply knowing that summer is around the corner!  I’ve been really into the idea of a universal energy lately, and that there is so much going on around us that we cannot see, but we can definitely manipulate.  I have been trying to convey that in some of my newer pieces.

BT // If you could work with one person, who would it be?

BS // Anyone! I’m an open book!  But, some really cool companies to work creatively for would be Vice, Nasty Gal or Solestruck.

BT // Who have you worked with that you really, really dig?

BS // Two of my close friends, who are both artists, Trina White and Laura Friedman… Those gals rock!  We have worked and lived together in the past, and the creativity really flows with those ladies.

Brittany’s playlist of her current favorite songs.

Alt-J- “Tessellate”
James Blake- “Retrograde”
Deerhoof- “Super Duper Rescue Heads”
Cibbo Matto- “Working For Vacation”
Zola Jesus- “Hikikomori”
Radiohead- “I Might be Wrong”Blonde Redhead- “Here Sometimes”
Grimes- “Eight”
Massive Attack- “Teardrop”

BT// Describe, or draw us a picture, (!) of what you are wearing right now.

BS // It’s cold here still.  I haven’t gotten out of a ratty T and flannel in what seems like months.

BT // What is your favorite vintage item, thrifted, or handy-down that you own?

BS // My grandma gave me this ring a while back, it’s a gold and diamond cat head, and I love it.  She wore it when she was my age.

BT // What does self-expression mean to you?

BS // Being able to accurately capture what is going on in my head, creatively and originally.  Whether it’s on paper, on canvas, on myself, or whatever!

Sweet!!! I love what she does. Here is where you can find Brittany!
Instagram; @bsteiner

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